Mehr Anzeigeoptionen für den Bewertungswald

Mehr Anzeigeoptionen für den Bewertungswald


Ab Montag kannst du mehr Anzeigeeinstellungen für deinen Bewertungswald verwalten. Diese Einstellungen sind verfügbar:

Display Reviewer’s initials only

While Google always shows the reviewers name, some of you asked us to mask the customer’s information on the review forest. Instead of displaying the full name, only the initials will be displayed on the trees in your review forest.

Show full review text and score

In some cases you might not want to display the full text of the reviews. You can only display the star rating by disabling this option

Add logo to the review forest

Often requested, customers on the Premium and Professional plan can now add their brand’s logo to the review forest.

How to get there

Choose ‘Review forests’ in the menu on the left. Then choose ‘More actions’ and ‘Forest settings’.